Every year, during the 15th of November, America Recycles Day is being celebrated from all parts of the US. To encourage recycling, that's one of its great purposes. Everyone from all walks of life and all ages can participate and join this event. We all know that just a single day wouldn't be enough to save our planet, to promote recycling and protect our environment. But it is this one single day from which everyone of us are gathered for a sole purpose, and that is to recycle.

Through this event, children of all ages are introduced to the green idea of recycling. Kids and young at hearts get their chance to be involved on various programs and activities about reusing, upcycling and conserving resources. But what else can we do to let our kids learn the importance and benefits of recycling? Simply provide them with books and other reading materials that focuses on reducing waste and pollution, as well as sustainability and conservation of our natural resources.

Just to help you, here's some of the books I've found that talks about recycling and other related contents that are truly interesting.

Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert
This book explains how the leaves grew on trees and that the paper we use both come from the same thing. So instead of raking those leaves up and wasting paper bags to throw them out, children can see what fun great objects can be created with these leaves. This is an excellent book to read in autumn and a perfect way to introduce the concept of recycling.

Recycle!: A Handbook for Kids by Gail Gibbons
Gibbons introduces a wonderful array of vocabulary for the reader, along with useful facts about various recyclable materials including paper, which kids use every day. This book is a great help in preparing children to recycle and places emphasis on reusing materials instead of throwing them away.

I Can Save the Earth!: One Little Monster Learns to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle by Alison Inches
This book is great for making children more aware of their daily actions, like how something as simple as turning off a light when leaving the room can conserve a load of energy. Children can read how important it is to respect the planet we live on and be inspired to collect—as well as recycle—items in their daily lives. The book itself is made from recycled material, so be sure to discuss that with your kids as well.

Green Crafts for Children: 35 Step-by-Step Projects Using Natural Recycled, and Found Materials by Emma Hardy
This book helps children see how the materials we use in our everyday lives can be used for crafts and awesome projects. The directions are simple and the materials are low cost; most are items you can find right in your home. The activities encourage children to search around the house and think about which items can really be put to use.

A sustainable future : saving & recycling resources by Louise Spilsbury
You can save the planet by Jacquie Wines.
Recycle this Book Edited by Dan Gutman

Aside from these useful books, you can let them get a hands-on experience how to do recycling which can always be fun for kids. Create a family bonding by doing some upcycling projects and crafts and let your kids get involve with it. Let them realize the importance of recycling and make them aware of the negative impacts of human waste and pollution. Also you should be a good example to your kids through green practices, like using eco-friendly toner cartridges and ink cartridges when printing.

If you can't afford to purchase some of the books listed above which you can find on Amazon online, try to find a free copy of them over the net and use your tablets to store it on your library. Or if you can make a copy by printing, use remanufactured toner cartridges or ink cartridges when printing to help save your budget and the environment.

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