Every time you make a purchase, you often use plastic bags to carry your purchases, but when you get home, the question is, where does it go? Not everyone practices reusing those plastic bags, like using them as a temporary trash bag, or storage of anything they wanted. Most of the times, these plastic bags end up in the landfills after use, some where floating in the air from every streets, due to improper waste disposal, and worse it floats on the river streams which are flowing into wider bodies of water.

These material that's made for our own convenience, end up as a problem in waste management. If you think you're not paying for these bags once you shop, then think again, cause we're paying for this plastic materials as an overhead cost. The best thing that we can do is to eliminate the use of these plastic bags, and this is not impossible. If the problem can't be totally eliminated then we can still try not to make it bigger. For the sake of our environment, we can sacrifice our own convenience.

Several counties and states are implementing plastic bag ban. A few municipalities in the United States enacted a plastic bag ban, these are the city of Los Angeles and Alameda County in California. An all out plastic bag ban may seem to be an extreme approach, there are also some recycling plants in the United States that accepts plastic recycling. Consumables like printer cartridges are mainly made of plastic materials, that's why there are recycling plants established by some printer manufacturing companies, accepting returned cartridges for recycling which provides remanufactured toner cartridges and ink cartridges. The cost of reprocessing returned printer cartridges can cost less than manufacturing new printer consumables. Thus providing less expensive eco friendly toner cartridges and ink cartridges for the market consumers.

The Plastic Bag Ban is a great idea to eliminate or at least minimize the use of plastic bags, but it won't spread by itself unless you speak up for the environment, and spread the news. Let's be passionate for the environment and support this movement, besides it's not only for the environment that they put up this ban, it's also for our own good. 

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